The European level of education is a reality!


Dnipropetrovsk State University of the Internal Affairs has visited the dean of the Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) Tomas Berkmanas. Within the frames of the working meeting he has communicated with the administration and pedagogical staff of the high educational establishment, and also familiarized the students in details about the perspectives, peculiarities and advantages of the education in the Kaunas University.

The European level of education is a reality!

The meeting with the deans and heads of the university departments of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of the Internal Affairs was rather productive.

Among the issues to which was paid attention were – the perspectives of the international collaboration in the scientific, educational, sport and culture spheres, joint holding of the researches, in which are able to take part not only students, but the lecturers. Moreover, the attention was focused on the possibilities of the study placement of the lecturers and youth education.

The prorector of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of the Internal Affairs Larysa Nalyvaiko and also the deans and heads of the university departments paid attention on the achievements of the higher educational establishment in the educational, scientific, cultural and sport spheres.

“We conduct the scientific researches, collaborate with the international organizations, provide free of charge juridical assistance. On the base of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of the Internal affairs is very actively developing the Lithuanian Law Center. The students are interested in these perspectives, they familiarize with correspondent literature. The directions of our work are various, but there are many possibilities of the cooperation with the Kaunas University”, mentioned Larysa Nalyvaiko.

During discussion was initiated the creation of the new educational programs for the Ukrainian and Lithuanian students, and also determined the directions of the Lithuanian Law Center development. By the results of the meeting was formed the key perspectives of the scientific and cultural collaboration: the participation of the students in the joint summits and conferentions, the abilities of the active collaboration in the sphere of the student self-rule, the getting of the additional specialization etc.

Tomas Berkmanas assured that in the Kaunas University on the international level are realized the scientific, cultural and educational projects. For the lecturers exists a possibility to publish the scientific articles in the “Scopus” journal. On the basis of the above mentioned were discussed different directions of the further collaboration.

“I am very glad that I had such a possibility to visit personally the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. Has learned a huge amount of the information concerning out higher educational establishments cooperation possibilities” – shared with his emotions Tomas Berkmanas.

The European level of education is a reality!

In the frames of this visit to the Dnipropetrovsk State University of the Internal Affairs Tomas Berkmanas also communicated with students of the higher educational establishment. He has presented the Kaunas University, has told concerning the peculiarities of the educational process in the Lithuanian establishment. Moreover, he has stopped on the sphere of the juridical education and possibilities that are proposed by the university to the students of Dnipro.

The European level of education is a reality!