In the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs was held The international scientific-practical conference by the topic “The human rights: methodological, gnosiological and ontological aspects”. The event was initiated on occasion of the 70th anniversary of The general declaration of the human rights proclamation.
The scientific-practical conference was held with support of the National Academy of the Legal Science of Ukraine, The Scientific-research institute of the state construction and local governance, The National Academy of the Legal science of Ukraine, The Educational-scientific laboratory of the internally displaced people legalistic status issues and the gender equality providing and also with support of the Ukrainian Employees’ Association.
In the conference took part the representatives of the foreign delegations from the Canada, Germany, Spain, Poland, Lithuania, Kazakhstan and also the representatives of the state authorities, municipal government and public organizations.
The event has begun from the speech of the rector of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of the Internal Affairs Andrii Fomenko. He has specified that nowadays Ukraine is in the rather difficult period of the historic development. He has also emphasized that even due to the unfavourable socio-economic and military-political reasons the government of the country takes huge efforts for the crisis situation overcoming and for the different spheres of public life improvement.
“The guaranty for that is the litigation and legal reform and also the reform of the law enforcement authorities. The huge support in this sphere is given by our international partners: the USA, Canada, the German Federal Republic, the Lithuanian Republic, Poland and others. Moreover, one of the significant facts that influence on the success of such transformations and must serve as the reliable foundation is the modern legalistic science and education”, mentioned the rector.
With the greeting to the guests of the university addressed Olha Zaharova the first deputy of The Main territorial directorate of the justice in the Dnipropetrovs’k region. She noticed that the human rights – are the integral component of the democratic society, and the protection of these rights – is the priority task of all the state authorities.
“Today I want to express gratitude to the host party – to the representatives of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of the Internal Affairs” – for the long-term productive cooperation, for the understanding of the main problems of the citizens and realization of their rights. The students of this higher educational establishment – is the avant-garde of young people from our region” – mentioned Olha Zaharova.
Among key points which were viewed during the International scientific-practical conference – the right for the justice, the activity of the Special Monitoring Mission of OSCE in the sphere of the human rights observance, The general declaration of the human rights UNO and constitutional rights of the USA.
During the conference was conducted a presentation of the scientific and practical preliminary studies and experience exchange between its participants, the reports of whose reflected the problematique of the contemporary view concerning the methodological, gnosiological and ontological aspects of human rights and conceptual basis of The general declaration of the human rights abidance, which celebrates this year its 70th years anniversary, in the practical activity of the law enforcement authorities, especially in Ukraine and also the international collaboration by this direction.
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