News and announcements (International Activity)

Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs will hold The III International Scientific and Practical Conference «International and National Security: theoretical, methodological and applicable aspects», which will be held in Dnipro (Ukraine) on March 15, 2019.

Representatives of international and national human rights organizations, higher educational institutions, scientific institutions, judicial and law enforcement bodies are invited to participate in the conference are invited to discuss topical theoretical and practical problems related to the of international and national security, the protection and maintenance of public order, the prevention and elimination of security threats.

The working languages of the conference are English, Ukrainian, Russian.

Applications for participation in the conference are accepted till 01.03.2019 (email:

All materials of the conference will be published and should be addressed till 15.02.2018 to the address: 49005, Ukraine, Dnipro, Gagarina av., 26 or on the email address: Publication is for free.

The organization fee for participation in the conference is not expected.

Costs of the accommodation, full board as well as local transport will be covered by the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.

Additional information can be obtained from International Department or organizing committee of the conference


