The UN Immersion Programme is open for applications!

News and announcements (International Activity)

The UN Immersion Programme is open for applications!

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is offering two 5-day field visits to Geneva to provide participants with a first-hand experience of the United Nations.

This unique training opportunity will give you direct access to the United Nations’ institutions and staff, offering opportunities for networking and providing you with insights into UN career paths.

The programme includes activities with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and other institutions.

The aim of the programme, which is hosted at the UN headquarters in Geneva, is to prepare and empower participants to work more effectively and efficiently in any international environment.

The UN Immersion Programme includes expert lecturers, training workshops, guided tours and the attendance of multilateral conferences. Dedicated career development sessions will give you the opportunity to have your CV, motivation letter and LinkedIn profile reviewed.

The training sessions will include content on the United Nations system, humanitarian affairs, sustainable development, conference diplomacy, core diplomatic skills, trade and commerce, and other topics of interest.

The training opportunity is available in two editions in July and August. A maximum of 30 participants are accepted per edition. It is also possible to register for a four-week preparatory e-learning course right before the field visit. All participants will receive an official UN certificate at the end of the programme.

UNITAR explicitly welcomes a variety of professional backgrounds as well as differing degrees of experience among its participants. Public sector officials, private sector professionals, representatives from NGOs, think tanks or academia, junior professionals and graduate students are equally welcome to apply.

The deadlines to apply for the sessions are 13 July and 22 August 2019. For more information on costs, the application procedures and other information please visit the official website.

To apply visit official website by link.