Visit of representative of German Police University (DHPOL)


Visit of representative of German Police University (DHPOL)

On September 03 – 06, 2019, representatives of German Police University visited Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. During the visit Mr. Carsten Twelmeier, Head of International Cooperation Department and Mr. Guido Kattert, Deputy Head of International Cooperation Department, CEPOL Research & Science Correspondent, got acquainted with structure and work of the University.

Visit of representative of German Police University (DHPOL)

During visit delegation had a number of meetings.

Visit of representative of German Police University (DHPOL)

Vice-rector of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs Larysa Nalyvayko, together with the scientific and pedagogical workers of the University, presented the scientific direction of work.

A lot of attention was paid to the possibilities of joint training of future law enforcement officers in perspective European areas.

Visit of representative of German Police University (DHPOL)

Volodymyr Kovbasa, Head of the Service Organization Department, noted that Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs is one of the best specialized universities in the country. In particular, he noted that the management of the institution pays a lot of attention to establishing international contacts.

Representative of German Police University visited classes of the project “Community Police Officer” where police officers studying to work in territorial united communities. They attended model court session in case of domestic violence in courtroom of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.

Visit of representative of German Police University (DHPOL)

Visit of representative of German Police University (DHPOL)

During the visit Mr. Carsten Twelmeier and Mr. Guido Kattert had a meeting with cadets of the University. They presented German Police University and told about German Police system.

Visit of representative of German Police University (DHPOL)

