Rafal Lizut, the professor of The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, has conducted the course of lectures and seminars on the subject “Management and Administration” for the 3rd year students at Management and Administration Department of the Social-and-Psychological Education and Management Faculty.
Professor Lizut told students about modern means of projects management according to current requirements at his lectures. He explained in details the notion “digitalization” and gave examples of successful companies that had implemented this method. They studied the topic of projects and enterprises financial security with an accent on interests protection from exterior and interior threats.
During classes they were studying modern didactical methods, in particular, AGILE design method. Afterwards students developed and defended their own projects at practical classes.
Knowledge quality control was performed by means of digitalization that guarantees objectiveness on the teacher’s side and students’ interest. They were undergoing tests via an applied program in their Smart-phones.
Dariia Kozlova, the 3rd year student of the Social-and-Psychological Education and Management Faculty shared her impressions from lectures and seminars: “I like the classes very much, since they were useful not only due to the given information from the point of view of new knowledge on management, but also in context of advancing my level of English. The professor was giving us non-standard tasks and motivated us to think and analyze on particular examples. Thus, we were developing a particular algorithm of actions together successfully finding answers to all questions”.
Students are sure that when a teacher has the desire to establish contact with the group and communicate his material, all difficulties can be easily eliminated. Rafal Lizut has the same opinion: “At the beginning it was slightly difficult, because, I presume, they are not used to these kind of classes and classes in English. This is not a class of English. This is a class in English, so, that was quite difficult. But with time we got very acquainted, and I think they found it fun at the classes, because they come, they work, they enjoy, and they laugh together”.
“I feel very satisfied about that I was lucky to teach at one of the best Ukrainian universities. I was so glad to communicate with its initiative and interested at their own professional advancing students”, said Rafal Lizut.
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