European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) provides an opportunity to register at LEEd platform to pass online courses and trainings to exchange with the best working practices between police officers. You can choose courses in the following fields:
– Serious and Organized Crime;
– Cyber-related Crime;
– Counter terrorism;
– Fundamental Rights;
– Law enforcement cooperation, information exchange and interoperability;
– Leadership and other skills;
– Higher Education and Research;
– Public Order and Prevention;
– Law Enforcement Technologies, Forensics and Specific Areas;
– Union Missions;
– Virtual Training Center on Intellectual Property Rights.
New CEPOL training e-platform is user-friendly, has multiple functions, with built in customisation capabilities, a powerful search engine as part of its core infrastructure and advanced data functionalities for streamlined reporting and easy track of learners’ progress.
You can find a list of available courses by clicking the link.
In case of any questions do not hesitate to apply to International Relations Department.
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