Professionally-Oriented Disciplines: More Practice!


Practical extra-curriculum classes for cadets of the Faculty of Training Specialists for Strategic Investigation Units “Informational-and-Analytical Provision of the Activity of Strategic Investigation Units of the National Police of Ukraine” started at Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.

These classes aim at enhancing practical direction of professionally-oriented disciplines, obtaining practical skills by higher education applicants and exchange with actual experience in law enforcement activity. The course includes 4 modules and is held using multimedia center as well as training ground in combatting organized crime and corruption.

Practical training will last till December 2020. Scientific-pedagogical staff of the Financial and Strategic Investigations Department along with specialists of the Educational-Scientific Laboratory in Studying Problems of Combatting Organized Crime and Corruption are holding the classes.

Curriculum stipulates studying informational software for criminal intelligent analysis and regulatory basis for the Strategic Investigations Department subdivisions of the National Police of Ukraine activity and informational-and-analytic intelligence means in combatting organized crime at the state authority bodies.

Final target of the classes is obtaining practical skills by cadets for them to work with informational-technical and analytical tools of the National Police of Ukraine apart with making corresponding operational official and procedural documents.