DSUIA Cadet Has Saved Life


Ernest Koshevets, 4 year cadet of the Strategic Investigations Faculty of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, provided pre-medical aid to a man, who felt badly right at the street. This happened on 5 November nearly midday in Severodonetsk, Luhansk region.

Ernest left “Ukrposhta” department and proceeded towards his home, when he noticed a 50-year-old man, who fell on the ground and started convulsing. According to the guy, the condition of the passerby was getting worse each second.

“I noticed foam at his mouth. I called the ambulance, took a mask off his face and turned his head aside for him not to choke with his own vomiting matters. Afterwards I put some rubber, which was near, under his head and stayed with him up to the moment when emergency team came”, told DSUIA cadet.

Ernest Koshevets pointed out that citizens were passing them by, some were going round as far as possible, but there also were the ones recording video from the balconies.

“I was not confused and executed everything I had been taught at tactical medicine classes. However, one more pair of hands would not go amiss in such a case to call the ambulance or man’s relatives, for instance”, added future police officer.

Emergency team came within 7 minutes after the call. Doctors thanked Ernest for accurate pre-medical aid. At the moment of hospitalization the patient felt better; he was taken to a city hospital for further treatment and examination.

Oleksandr Solonko, head of the course, senior specialist of the Faculty of Training Specialists for Strategic Investigations Units, characterizes Ernest as a disciplined, responsible and friendly cadet.

“Ernest is the one to help a comrade in any situation. He will always provide support and assistance. Besides, he studies well, he is initiative and hardworking. Surely, we are proud of him and wish him to be an example for others, perform his professional duties with dignity as well as serve in the name of and defend peace and prosperity of the Ukrainian people”, said Mr. Solonko.