⇒Erasmus Mundus: scholarships for masters
You have an opportunity to study for free during the second cycle in several universities from different countries simultaneously. HEIs design a mutual educational program and issue common diploma. The cost of studies, accommodation and travel expenditures will covered with a scholarship.
Deadline: 28 February 2021
⇒Sustainability Leadership Program.
This program aims at teaching how to manage projects, which will help to achieve goals of stable development in your community.
Deadline: 31 December 2020
⇒Ghent University scholarships for researches seeking PhD
You are able to defend your doctoral thesis in two universities simultaneously – a Ukrainian one Ghent University (Belgium). You will start and finish your research in Belgium, working on your thesis in Ukraine at the same time. Program covers two travels to Ghent and scholarship while staying there. To submit the application you will need a preliminary consent from scientific mentors in both countries.
Deadline: 4 February 2021
⇒College of Europe scholarships: postgraduate education
Postgraduates of the Ukrainian universities can continue their studies in the College of Europe, where future diplomats, ministers and officials of European governments study.
Deadline: 13 January 2021
Master programs in University of Eastern Finland. Scholarship for students in IT.
Deadline: 20 January 2021
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