Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Center For American Studies in cooperation with The American Law Society affiliated with the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań are honored to invite you to take part in the II International Conference titled “The COVID-19 Pandemic: Legal, Political & Socio-Economic Dimensions”.
One of the most important assumptions of the conference is a discussion of the problems of the modern world related to the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of law, economics, sociology, philosophy, political science, international relations and business. We cordially invite students and Ph.D. students, experienced researchers, and others interested in the above-indicated fields of research to actively participate in the conference.
The conference will be held on Saturday January 23, 2021 from 9.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. online on the Microsoft Teams platform. (In the event of a large number of applications, we reserve the right to extend the conference also to Sunday January 24, 2021).
Proposed (sample) thematic areas:
• the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economies of particular countries and regions;
• the pandemic and social problems (deterioration of the quality of education, reduced access to medical care, etc.);
• the pandemic and problems related to the health services in selected countries;
• methods of counteracting the pandemic in the policies of selected countries;
• the pandemic and anti-globalism postulates;
• the pandemic and new legal regulations;
• the pandemic versus populism and fake news.
The thematic areas indicated above are only examples. Moreover, presentations may be of an interdisciplinary nature, combining the various fields of study. We also encourage you to submit presentations that go beyond the above list.
For more information please visit the link on Facebook
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