Presentation of Methodic Recommendations in Gender Approaches Integration into the Training System for Security and Defense Ukrainian Specialists


On 22 December, the presentation of methodic recommendations in gender approaches integration into the training system for security and defense Ukrainian specialists was held online via Zoom Meeting platform.

Representatives of UN Women, Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations, state power bodies, international organizations, embassies of NATO country-members as well as rectors of Ukrainian security and defense higher educational institutions partook in the event.

Andrii Fomenko, Rector, Larysa Nalyvaiko, vice-rector, and Nataliia Shulika, deputy rector in gender, represented Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs at the presentation.

Olha Stephanishyna, vice-prime-minister in European and Euro Atlantic integration of Ukraine, greeted the participants. She emphasized the significance of systematic approach to equal access for men and women to different professions, which required reflection in all elements of training and professional development of security and defense sector professionals. Moreover, she stressed that methodic recommendations shall be prioritized by higher educational institutions management and corresponding ministers.

“In the globalization epoch the defense sector requires more transformations. Such development has never existed in this sector in particular and in Ukraine in general. I cannot help mentioning that it is a completely Ukrainian product. Methodic recommendations are based on the Ukrainian experience and were prepared by the Ukrainian authors”, vice-prime-minister stated.

Kateryna Pavlichenko, deputy minister of internal affairs of Ukraine, said that the analysis of the MIA higher educational institutions conditions and capacity in terms of implementing gender aspect during educational process showed that the HEIs were conducting large-scale work to up-bring tolerant future generation, respecting human rights, gender equality and non-discrimination.

“Gender equality in education might mean, first of all, the supply of every participant of the educational process in Ukraine with equal opportunities to access positive results in science and education in spite of gender. We are to provide complex introduction of gender equality and non-discrimination into the national educational system as well as define ways to direct educational development towards systematic respecting gender approach”, deputy minister claimed.

Kateryna Levchenko, governmental authorized person in gender policy of Ukraine, presented the content of methodic recommendations. According to her, 25 authors from 11 security and defense HEIs had been working on the issue. Moderator stressed that the first domestic methodic recommendations were unique and would be substantial for introducing gender aspect into the educational process.

Andrii Fomenko, Rector of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, police colonel, mentioned that methodic recommendations for safety and defense Ukrainian HEIs were the example of high quality and timely initiative. He stressed their importance for creation of a unified approach to eliminate gender discrimination, perform gender education and form gender culture and tolerance.

“Gender topic has been developing since 2015 in DSUIA, and today we have completed institutional and staff potential to implement methodic recommendations”, DSUIA Rector emphasized.

Andrii Fomenko reported on educational and scientific capacities of DSUIA in gender policy. In particular, he told about structural subdivisions, which work on different aspects of gender equality on the constant basis, namely Educational-and-Scientific Laboratory for the Research Internally Displaced Persons’ Legal Status Issues and Securing Gender Equality; gender informational and consultation center under legal clinics “Istyna”; research center for preventing and combatting domestic and gender-based violence; Scientific Laboratory in Social Monitoring; gender culture center for students and cadets.

“Over 50 scientific-and-practical events devoted to gender equality and combatting gender-based violence of international, Ukrainian and regional levels have been held at DSUIA. Moreover, the University employees have prepared a number of scientific research and educational-methodic works. Besides, scientific-and-methodic materials for HEIs in selective disciplines “Basics of gender theory”, “European anti-discrimination law”, “Preventing and combatting domestic violence”, “Combatting domestic violence”, “Combatting family violence” and “Securing human rights in law enforcement activity” have been developed”, DSUIA Rector mentioned in his report.


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