The first half of the academic year has ended, which means it is high time to sum-up and define new goals. Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs is ready to start with the top events digest within this semester. Will you find yourself here?
Public order during local elections.
674 cadets and 52 police officers substituting positions at Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs have provided practical assistance to main offices of the National Police in regions and Kyiv during local elections.
The fourth wave of community police officers is ready to work!
118 law enforcement officers from 16 regions of Ukraine are already performing their duties in united territorial communities. It has been three-month training at DSUIA. The educational process has engaged the best instructors, experienced law enforcements, representatives of social services and ICITAP experts.
Participation in a large-scale charity action.
60 cadets along with Andrii Fomenko, DSUIA Rector, police colonel, have submitted plasma for medicine production and further treatment of wounded Joint Forces Operation soldiers, victims with mass bleeding, oncological and hematology patients, pregnant women and babies with rhesus conflicts. DSUIA representatives systematically participate in donor actions organized by the Dnipropetrovsk regional blood transfusion station.
The police officer oath taken!
492 cadets have taken oath of loyalty to the Ukrainian nation and started servicing officially during the period of their education at Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.
Real fighting club at DSUIA!
V Dnipro MMA Open Championship has been devoted to the 55th anniversary of DSUIA this time. 16 best sportsmen from universities in Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk region and Odesa have competed for the title of the strongest sportsman in mixed martial arts.
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