International Scientific-and-Practical Conference “Law Supremacy: Doctrine and Practice in the Context of Modern Global Challenges”


Law Faculty of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs invites you to participate in the scientific-and-practical online conference “Law Supremacy: Doctrine and Practice in the Context of Modern Global Challenges” on 26 February 2021. We cordially invite scientists, practitioners, representatives of state power bodies and social organizations as well as postgraduate and undergraduate students to partake in the conference.

The conference aims at exchanging with thoughts, actual information and practical experience in law supremacy as the basic system of European values and respecting law.

Key issues for discussion:

1) Law supremacy as a basis of European values system and public order.

2) International and domestic mechanisms of providing law supremacy under modern challenges and threats.

3) Actual problems of implementing international standards of human rights protection.

4) Respecting law supremacy in the activity of law enforcement and court bodies under modern technological and social challenges.

5) Problems of legal regulating civil-and-legal relations under COVID-19.

6) Philosophical, cultural and historical aspects of law supremacy principle formation.

The scientific-and-practical online conference will be held on 26 February 2021at Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs (26 Gagarina ave., 49005 Dnipro, Ukraine). The mode of participation is distant.

Beginning: 10:00 a.m. (UTC +2)

Video conference in Zoom at

Identifier: 844 7604 8474

Password: 665615

Please, kindly register to participate in the conference before 5 February 2021 at