March 8 without Gender Stereotypes: Meeting with the UNFPA


Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs started implementing the series of events devoted to the International Day for Women’s Rights and World Peace. Therefore, employees, students and cadets of the University e-met with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) representative.

Larysa Nalyvaiko, DSUIA vice-rector, and Iryna Hrytsai, rector’s assistant in gender issues, organized the event. It aimed not only at providing students and cadets with legal education and gender awareness, but also reassessing stereotypes about March 8 and returning its core meaning.

Pavlo Zamostian, UNFPA assistant representative in Ukraine, was the principle speaker. In terms of the organized e-meeting he presented the policy and achievements of the United Nations as regards women’s rights and world peace.

In course of the meeting ideas and practices of gender gap elimination in Ukraine and the world as well as the UN values in terms of human rights provision were being discussed. Besides, the speaker demonstrated experience of men and women in providing equal opportunities for every individual. Moreover, the event was devoted to dispelling a number of myths surrounding this Day.

Let us remind that the United Nations General Assembly called on each state to proclaim any day of the year as the International Day for Women’s Rights and World Peace in compliance with historical and national traditions by its Resolution as well as create favorable conditions to eradicate discrimination against women and their complete equal engagement in social development. The International Day for Women’s Rights and World Peace (by the UN Decree as of 1977) is a symbol of fight for human rights for women and against gender inequality.


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