International Conference at DSUIA Gathered Specialists from 11 Countries!


Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs held V International Scientific-and-Practical Conference “International and National Security: Theoretic and Applied Aspects”. The event was devoted to the 55th anniversary of DSUIA. Over 200 specialists from 11 countries took part in it, namely Germany, Slovak Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Denmark, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, etc. Please, read in details below.

The international conference was held according to the sanitary epidemiological norms; guests participated online.

Solemn opening of this large-scale scientific event started with greeting words of Andrii Fomenko, DSUIA Rector, police colonel. He stated that university team as the core of educational and scientific activity contributed systematic efforts to provide national security.

“The staff of the university, as a center of educational and scientific activities, makes systematic efforts in the matter of national security, which is important for every citizen. We are actively implementing new teaching methods, including the creation of high-tech training centers and training grounds on the basis of the university. One of the centers was opened with the OSCE support. Besides, we productively establish cooperation with foreign educational institutions. Today, the number of countries we actively cooperate with in various areas reaches twenty, including Germany, Spain, Lithuania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Kazakhstan and others. By the way, the only Lithuanian Law Center in Ukraine has been working at the university for five years now.”, Andrii Fomenko said.

Valdemaras Sarapinas, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Lithuanian Republic to Ukraine, greeted the conference participants.

“Allow me to warmly congratulate you with the fifty fifth anniversary of the establishment of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. I am convinced that in more than 50 years Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs has educated many fine officers and law experts who served and continue to serve Ukraine. What impresses me the most is your university’s willingness to strive for quality by creating new study programs and dedicating recourses to the research and promotion of the rule of law.”, Valdemaras Sarapinas mentioned.

Oleksandr Petryshyn, President of the National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine, also greeted the hosts and guests of the conference.

“It is the fifth conference already, which means not only stability, but the development and increasing potential. Positive assessment of the University’s activity is the result of many years of cooperation with the National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine in terms of conducting fundamental and applied research and mutual exchange with experience thanks to a newly created Educational-and-Scientific Laboratory for the Research Internally Displaced Persons’ Legal Status Issues and Securing Gender Equality.”, Oleksandr Petryshyn stressed.

In course of the event honored guests and stakeholders of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs were awarded with chest signs “DSUIA 55 Years” by Andrii Fomenko.

Olha Stefanishyna, vice-prime-minister in European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine; Yuliia Laputina, minister of the Veterans’ Ministry of Ukraine; Viacheslav Medianyk, people’s deputy of Ukraine; Dumitru Iovu, Adviser on Internal Affairs and Police Cooperation of the Embassy of Romania in Ukraine; Jose Barreto, Head of European Union Advisory Mission to Ukraine Public Order Unit; Alison Stables, Deputy team leader of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (Dnipro); Peter Lamplot, Secretary General of the Association of European Police Colleges (AEPC); Ivan Vidolov, Rector of the Academy of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria; Kaliolla Seitenov, the first vice-rector of the Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General’s office of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Vilius Motiejaitis, Head of the Lithuanian Police School; Vasyl Kostytskyi, actual member (academician) of the National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine; Ivan Lehostaiev, head of South-East Interregional Department of the Ministry of Justice (Dnipro); Anatolii Korshun, head of the Third Appeal Administrative Court; Andrii Korenev, head of Dnipropetrovsk Circuit Administrative Court, were among the guests.

Specialists and practitioners from Europe, the USA, Ukraine, the EUAM, representatives of state power bodies, judicial and law enforcement bodies as well as civil organizations joined the conference.

Larysa Nalyvaiko, DSUIA vice-rector, was the event moderator. She noted that 40 PhDs, 97 candidates of sciences, 12 practitioners, 15 international experts and 5 representatives of social organizations took part in the scientific event.

The conference participants delivered their reports. The issues discussed included general legal, international legal and political aspects of international and national security, prevention and neutralization of threats to national interests in law enforcement and defense spheres, etc.

Moreover, during the scientific event the results of All-Ukrainian Competition as for the best legal issue were concluded. This year, over 150 issues from 15 regions of Ukraine have been submitted. The conference participants congratulated the winners on their achievements.


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