Digital evidence and first responder (AEPC online course)

News and announcements (International Activity)

Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia invites investigators, police officers, prosecutors and judges to participate in its online course “Digital evidence and first responder”.

It will be hold within 1-3 April, 2021.

During the course the following issues will be considered: principles of digital evidence; requirements for digital evidence handling; digital evidence handling processes; key components of identification, collection, acquisition and preservation of digital evidence according to ISO 27037; first responders’ responsibility; standard operating procedures at digital evidence crime scene.

The course aims at understanding requirements for digital evidences set by ISO 27037 and knowing first steps and actions, which must be taken at cybercrime or digital evidence related crime scene.

Deadline for registration: 29 March, 2021

Language: English

Fee: free of charge

Information and Registration: