Policing and Society Conference “Crime Prevention” (Iceland)

Announcements, News and announcements (International Activity)

October 6, 2021

Call for Papers

The Police Science Program at the University of Akureyri (Iceland) invites abstracts for its Policing and Society Conference on Wednesday, October 6, 2021. The conference is a venue where Icelandic and international academics and professionals meet and converse about policing in a broad sense. Professionals and academics who work in fields that involve policing in one form or another are encouraged to submit abstracts that build on their work and/or research.

The keynote speakers reflect the theme of this year’s conference “Crime Prevention”, which refers to measures to reduce crime and its impact on society. Iceland lacks a comprehensive strategy in this area, but research shows that responsible crime prevention reduces crime, increases people’s sense of security, and reduces the social costs of crime. The fundamental role that the police play for crime prevention requires our attention and in-depth examination.

We strongly encourage abstracts that deal with crime prevention but we, of course, welcome all contributions that intersect with policing in one form or another. To reiterate: this conference is a joint venue for academics and professionals to share their research and experience involving policing; learn from one another; and engage with the public.

Useful information:

• The conference will be held on Wednesday, October 6, 2021, in the Miðborg house of the University of Akureyri, specifically in rooms N101 and M101. The conference runs from 9:00 to 17:00.

• Each presentation is allotted 25 minutes, which includes Q&A. Abstracts (maximum 250 words) should be submitted via email (goddsson@unak.is) no later than May 15. Abstracts should include a title, short description, methods, main results and/or arguments. Include information about academic position, profession and the order of the authors (if more than one).

• The conference registration fee is €40 per person and the program, coffee and refreshments are included (pay on the spot when registering). The registration fee is waived for presenters. University students attend free of charge. Conference attendees pay for their own travel and accommodation.

• Several airlines fly to Iceland, including Icelandair (icelandair.com).

• The airline Air Iceland Connect flies from Reykjavík to Akureyri (see www.airicelandconnect.is).

For more information contact Guðmundur Oddsson, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Akureyri (goddsson@unak.is; tel. +3544608677).

