“Domestic Violence” workshop participants shared methods, knowledge and skills in terms of international cooperation for combatting domestic violence. The interactive event organized in collaboration with the Association of European Police Colleges (AEPC) lasted for 3 days.
Participating police officers came from Malta, Austria, Belgium and Ukraine, including teachers from Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, National Academy of Internal Affairs as well as Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.
This was the second workshop conducted at the university. It aimed at exchanging experience, practical examples and knowledge for the detailed analysis of domestic violence and significance of inter-institutional cooperation.
During the official closing of the workshop Andrii Fomenko, Rector of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, police colonel, addressed to all the participants. He expressed his gratitude for certain achievements in combatting domestic violence and pointed out that there were a lot of social initiatives for further implementation in the frames of collaboration with the AEPC.
“I am confident that the training was useful for all of you, and you will certainly use obtained skills and efficient methods, which are applied in different countries, in your practical activity directly in your regions. On behalf of all participants I would like to thank Mario Krebs, secretary of the Association of European Police Colleges and a trainer, for precious knowledge and new experience”, Andrii Fomenko stressed.
Within a three-day workshop, the participants were sharing police experience in combatting domestic violence and receiving new skills during special practical exercises.
Mykola Repan, senior lecturer of the Administrative Law, Process and Administrative Activity Department, mentioned that among the peculiarities of this year training were detailed reasons of committing domestic violence and studying directions and intensiveness of cooperation between the police and social services.
“In particular, Austrian police experience appeared to be very valuable. Thus, special programs for perpetrators, which are in force in this country, have already proven their efficiency: behavior of nearly 70% of participants really changes significantly. Most of them change their mind towards domestic violence. An interesting peculiarity in Austria is more active involvement of social services for interaction with families at preliminary stages, while law enforcement officers intervene, when a certain conflict happens and domestic violence becomes a fact. In some way it is a really wise approach”, Mykola Repan emphasized.
In their turn, teachers of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs demonstrated the methods of training cadets on the basis of training centers. For instance, international experts and workshop participants could watch working over a closed cycle of events – from accepting a claim about committing a criminal action to making an offender liable.
Representatives of several different departments participated in a case simulation. According to the trainers, the demonstration aimed at presenting patrol police work and their collaboration with other organizations.
Under the results of the workshop all participants obtained certificates.
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