Tanja Beyer, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Donetsk, visited DSUIA


Tanja Beyer, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Donetsk, visited Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. The visit aimed at a working meeting with management and acquaintance with the university.

In course of the meeting, Andrii Fomenko, the Rector of the university, told about the HEI’s development stages, directions of its activity as well as key locations and training centers used to apply the obtained knowledge practically by future police officers, lawyers and psychologists.

Rector made emphasize on fruitful and resultative cooperation of DSUIA with international partners: “The university has established contacts with 20 countries. We traditionally participate in all conferences and workshops of the Association of European Police Colleges, since our educational institution is AEPC member. And we are intended to develop and deepen our international ties”.

Ms. Beyer and the Rector discussed perspective directions of further cooperation and participation in projects of mutual interest for both parties. In particular, they negotiated the development of academic mobility programs, conducting conjoint scientific research and implementation of social projects.

Tanja Beyer, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Donetsk, expressed her gratitude to the Rector for invitation and confidence in fruitful future cooperation.

After the official meeting, the honoured guest visited training centers of the educational institution. Tanja Beyer made acquainted with HEI work and perspective directions of its development.


Public Relations Department