DSUIA Participated in Radio Dictation Devoted to the Ukrainian Literacy and Language Day


Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs celebrated the significant Ukrainian holiday writing the 21st radio dictation of national unity. Representatives of all cadet and student faculties as well as the university staff checked their literacy and proficiency in the native language.

The event was held fully respecting quarantine norms. Students, who were studying distantly, connected online.

This year the flash mob expanded beyond radio format again and was translated on TV channels and digital platforms of “Suspilne”. A writer Yurii Andrukhovych was the dictation text author and reader this year

Oleksandra Kovalenko, Preventive Activity Faculty cadet, shared her impressions from the participation in the all-Ukrainian flash mob.

“I decided to join the radio dictation, since it is an absolutely new format of work. Besides, it is very interesting to assess your own knowledge and see a particular result. I consider that all-Ukrainian dictation units all of us: even at the beginning, nearly 27 thousand people were online! All together, everyone at some part of the country, we were writing a dictation in our native language”.

Cadet added that she had even engaged her friends.

“Participation in all-Ukrainian flash mob in writing a radio dictation is a substantial contribution in popularizing Ukrainian language in the community. I am proud of having tried it”, Oleksandra told.

It shall be mentioned that a specialized commission will check all submitted papers. The authors of works without mistakes will receive presents from partners of this project.


Public Relations Department