Motivation forum “Female Leaders” took place at Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. More than 300 participants were present online and on site. Representatives of power authorities, law enforcement bodies and social organizations, scientific-and-pedagogical employees, students and cadets joined the discussion.
Motivation forum was held in terms of “16 Days against Violence” supported by the Female Law Enforcement Ukrainian Association, the OSCE and the Educational-and-Scientific Laboratory for the Research Internally Displaced Persons’ Legal Status Issues and Securing Gender Equality.
The event aimed at encouraging personal and professional potential of women and girls as well as motivating to overcome challenges.
Larysa Nalyvaiko, DSUIA vice-rector, and Iryna Hrytsai, Rector’s advisor on gender issues, were the moderators.
Kateryna Pavlichenko, deputy minister of Internal Affairs; Olena Kondratiuk, vice-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; Yuliia Ovchinnikova, people’s deputy of Ukraine, delegation member at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE); Inna Medianyk, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Dnipro; Nataliia Yeremieieva, founder of Stekloplast company; Svitlana Kharkivska, co-founder of Family Health and Rehabilitation Center Helios; Yevheniia Dubinska, president of Utilities Development and Innovation Fund; Olha Shtamburh, co-founder of Kiddo charity fund; as well as Nataliia Koshliak, private notary, participated in the motivation forum.
During the opening, DSUIA vice-rector Larysa Nalyvaiko presented university guidelines in combatting domestic violence and providing gender equality.
Kateryna Pavlichenko, deputy minister of Internal Affairs, addressed to the audience in online format.
“I am very happy to join the motivation forum “Female Leaders”. It must inspire women to become leaders and contribute to their self-development and self-confidence. I am glad to realize that female leadership movement in the law enforcement system of Ukraine is actively developing. Annual increase in females at law enforcement bodies, visible strengthening of their status and their presence at managerial positions indicate this”, Kateryna Pavlichenko claimed.
Olena Kondratiuk, vice-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, thanked Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs for having organized the forum and took an active part in it.
“I sincerely support your initiative to attract attention to equal rights and opportunities of women and men, overcoming stereotypes and prejudice, motivation and responsible leadership, female one in particular. It is substantial to speak about this today, since 25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. This is the day when “16 Days against Violence” action starts. During these days we emphasize that any forms of violence in public or private spheres violates human rights”, Olena Kondratiuk highlighted.
Moreover, the speaker was happy to communicate with future law enforcements being defenders of rights and freedoms.
“I am delighted to see that Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs joined the global initiative, since the seeds of equality and non-discrimination form at the very educational institutions”, vice-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine added.
In terms of the event, each speaker shared her own story of success and experience as well as gave key recommendations to follow to reach goals.
Inna Medianyk, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Dnipro stated that the role of women has been transforming recently.
“Currently so many opportunities are available that every woman can realize herself in any activity. If to speak about my field, 95% working there are men. I face stereotypes about women every day. But you must be confident in everything you are doing”, Inna Medianyk emphasized.
Nataliia Yeremieieva, founder of Stekloplast company, addressed the participants and female cadets in particular with motivation speech. She mentioned that a girl in the police uniform was a perfect match of hard and soft as well as suggested to join the dialogue and share own life stories. The speaker gave personal advice as well.
“If you have learnt how to play checkers, life will make you play chess. You must constantly develop yourself and act, since life likes verbs. If some idea came to your mind, write it down, think about it and do something to make it come true right tomorrow. Even if the result is negative, it is still a result”, Nataliia Yeremieieva summed up.
In course of the meeting, students and cadets could ask speakers questions and discuss female leadership.
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