Together against Violence!


Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs held the training “Interaction between the National Police and Social Services in Combatting Domestic and Gender-Based Violence” in terms of the all-Ukrainian action “16 Days against Violence”.

Deputy heads of territorial communities and rural councils as coordinators in combatting and preventing domestic and gender-based violence; responsible specialists in providing social services to vulnerable groups in territorial communities; specialists in social and children’s services aimed at preventing, detecting and cessation of domestic violence; authorized subdivisions of the National Police; specialists of children’s services; heads of district prevention departments and police units of the Main Directorate of the National Police of Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk region took part in the event.

Larysa Nalyvaiko, vice-rector, Doctor of Law, professor, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, greeted the participants and stated that the event aimed at creating a professional ground for the open dialogue, exchange with thoughts and actual information.

Lilia Kalytiuk, director of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Social Services Center, also greeted the audience and wished fruitful discussion.

Key issues risen in terms of the scientific-and-practical seminar included peculiarities of police activity in combatting domestic violence; interaction between community police officers and self-government bodies in combatting domestic violence; tasks and functions of the District Police Officers Unit in combatting domestic violence; activity peculiarities and functions of Juvenile Prevention units of the National Police in protecting children from domestic violence; correspondent response of children’s services in detecting and preventing domestic violence towards children.

According to Mykola Repan, senior lecturer of the DSUIA Administrative Law, Process and Administrative Activity Department, and Olesia Bilko, head of Advance Training Department for Social Workers of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Social Services Center, who were the event moderators, the training was organized to unite and coordinate efforts of all subjects performing prevention and combatting domestic and gender-based violence as well as timely and efficient response in case of non-standard and emergency situations.

In course of the training, participants learnt about legal bases of preventing and combatting domestic violence, psychological aspects of this phenomenon as well as studied interaction aspects between police and social services in terms of providing complex assistance to victims.

Under the results of the training social workers, officials and representatives of local self-government bodies obtained relevant certificates.


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