Interactive technologies are continued to be implemented in the educational process at Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. The 4th year cadets of the Educational-and-Scientific Institute of Law and Training Specialists for the National Police Units have recently passed an exam in “Administrative Activity of the National Police” discipline.
Future law enforcement officers checked their knowledge in terms of specially simulated situations. Mykola Repan, senior lecturer of the Administrative Law, Process and Administrative Activity Department, evaluated the level of cadets training.
Typical situations from the practical police activity were worked over on the basis of an interactive classroom. Training center was used as premises of a trade center, cafe, utility services enterprise and a private apartment.
During simulation of the situations maximum close to reality law enforcement activity cadets had to analyze circumstances and a corresponding situation directly “on site” as well as file procedural documents.
In addition, cadets demonstrated their knowledge in the sphere of administrative law, rules of administrative-legal qualification of violations, skills of applying police means, filing procedural documents, tactical skills of ceasing violations, etc. in course of the exam.
“During our semester studies we have been systematically simulating different situations in the sphere of administrative police activity, filing procedural documents and even heard a case at a simulated court hearing. Besides, externally invited practitioners participated in practical classes quite often. Being more experienced, they pretended to be wrongdoers, while we were working over law enforcement actions algorithm in this or that situation. Thus, for me this exam has appeared to be easy, since we had worked over all those things not once”, Yana Maryshchenko, the 4th year cadet, stated.
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