Happy Holidays!


Dear colleagues,

We heartily congratulate you on upcoming Christmas and the New 2022 Year!

May you and your family stay healthy, reserve spiritual balance and be inspired to implement all your plans.

Here is a small report on our work in 2021:

We have submitted 4 projects for funding.

We have implemented 3 international exchange projects. взяли участь Head of the Financial and Strategic Investigations Department, post-graduate students, adjuncts and ten cadets participated in them:

✅ SAM Ukraine (academic mobility for cadets within Ukraine);

✅ “National Scholarship Program” of the Slovak Republic (scientific cooperation);

✅ Scientific online internship for 10 post-graduate students and adjuncts at the Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

✅ Our cadets and teachers have participated in 5 international online seminar-trainings “Hate Crime” and “Mental Health” (Norway); “Training on Gender Equality in Policing”, “Management in Police” and “Leadership in Policing” (Turkey) in terms of courses for the AEPC members.

✅ Our teachers from Law Enforcement Activity Faculty have participated in the online course “Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters in the European Union” (by the AEPC).

✅ DSUIA representatives have undergone the training “Combatting Domestic Violence: 7C Efficient Concept of Representing Victims” and obtained trainer certificates in terms of “Eliminating Domestic and Gender Based Violence in Ukraine” project supported by the Democracy Fund at the US Embassy in Ukraine.

✅ Teachers of the Tactical-and-Special Training Department have undergone the basic course and the training for trainers under the program “Basics of Special Tactics of Special Police Units under the Scandinavian Model of Providing Public Security and Order during Peaceful Assemblies and Other Mass Events” in terms of the PRAVO project.

✅ “Capacity Building on ICT Use in Police Training for the Ukrainian Police” is our common project with the Korean National Police University approved by the government of the Republic of Korea.

✅ HORIZON-CL2-2021-DEMOCRACY-01-03 “Feminism for the New Era of Democracy” is directed to enhance democratic processes via educational system.

In 2022, we plan to achieve even more. We are actively working on a submission of Erasmus+ КА1 projects with our partners. Annual АЕРС Course Calendar will include DSUIA seminar-training “Human Rights Protection in Law Enforcement at Domestic Violence Cases”. Moreover, we continue our fruitful cooperation with the EUAM.

Join us as partners for upcoming projects in 2022!