This ‘course’ gives an overview of all available training resources on LEEd.
Online modules
Extensive knowledge bases on topics stemming from CEPOL Training Needs Assessments, focusing on EMPACT priorities, other crime areas and training & education. Each module consists of multiple chapters, each of which is tested with a quiz. Badges and certificates are available after successful completion of all quizzes. Estimate study time varies between 120-300 minutes.
Cyber Bites
Video-based resource where cybercrime related topics are explained. Certificates are available after successful completion of the quiz. Estimated study time is 45 minutes for each Cyber Bite.
Stand alone specialised study materials with explainer videos, study content, glossaries, and printable job-aids to take the lesson learned to the workplace. Badges and certificates are available after successful completion of the quiz. Estimated study time is 60 minutes for each eLesson.
Target audience of this resource overview
– Individual learners for self-paced study;
– Trainers and activity managers who wish to embed training resources in their (online) courses or other formal trainings.
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