The Department of Psychology and Pedagogics of ESI of Law and Innovative Education organized the event. Nearly 150 specialists participated in the discussion.
Representatives of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine and the Main Directory of the National Police in Dnipropetrovsk region were among the participants. DSUIA representatives, namely Psychological Support Department, Educational-and-Scientific Laboratory for the Research Internally Displaced Persons’ Legal Status Issues and Securing Gender Equality as well as students, joined the discussion of the topic actual for society.
Representatives of state and foreign higher educational institutions participated in the conference.
Andrii Fomenko, Rector of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, police colonel, opened the event. He mentioned that the conference aimed at establishing new geopolitical relations at the international level. According to DSUIA top manager, the military conflict required consolidation of civil community and taking significant decisions through negotiations at scientific platforms.
Practitioners from Switzerland made their own reports at the conference. Thus, psychotherapist Harold Haaz, certified medical eurythmist Theodor Hundhammer and student of basic medical eurythmic education (Switzerland) Anastasia Bokovets spoke about the author’s program of overcoming stress.
During the plenary session topical issues of methodological and scientific-practical problems of crisis and extreme psychology were discussed: mental state of a human in crisis and extreme situations and their consequences, diagnosis, criteria and strategies of help, psychological help and self-assistance in crisis and extreme situations, psychological aspects of social work with crisis situations, etc.
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