Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs held All-Ukrainian Scientific-and-Practical Conference “Physical Education at the University: Innovations, Experience and Development Perspectives under Current Conditions” with the participation of foreign specialists. The staff of Physical Training and Tactical-Special Training Department organized the event.
The conference aimed at exchanging of practical experience, introducing innovative methods into the educational and training process and popularizing sports and physical activity among students.
Larysa Nalyvaiko, DSUIA vice-rector, greeted the participants. She emphasized the significance of physical training and sport at the educational institutions as an integral part of forming general and professional personal culture as well as substantial element of improving health and supporting healthy lifestyle.
Rauf Dimraj, Deputy Minister of Education and Sport of Albania; Yevhen Buria, head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Department of Physical Education and Sport Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; Casimir Valich, member of the Board of Directors of European Traditional Sports and Games Association (AEJeST), president of the Institute for the Development of Sport and Education (IRSIE) (Poland); Vasil Liparteniani, CEO of the International Fund of Sport, Tourism and Youth, head of Master and Bachelor Sport Management of Georgian State Pedagogical University of Physical Training and Sport; Namiq Isadze, founder of the International Research and Educational Center (Estonia); Marian Pityn, professor of the Sport and Physical Culture Theory Department of Lviv State University of Physical Culture; Anna Pechko, trainer of the National Team of Ukraine in athletics among athletes with disabilities, greeted the audience as well.
More than 200 participants from 20 domestic and 17 foreign sport and educational institutions and organizations joined scientific-and-practical event.
During the plenary session the participants of the conference discussed the impact of the new Ukrainian school reforms on the development of physical culture of students of higher education institutions, theoretical and practical aspects of national-patriotic and physical education of youth in out-of-school education, development of competencies through physical education means of recreation for student youth, issues of inclusion in sports, etc.
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