Day of Science at DSUIA: Sincere Congratulations and Awards


Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs awarded university staff and applicants for higher education who became winners of the Contest among scientific works of students and cadets of the first (Bachelor) cycle of MIA higher education institutions in terms of the Day of Science.

Yevheniia Kovalenko-Marchenkova, head of Scientific-and-Editorial Department, candidate of economic sciences; Mykola Yefimov, associate professor of Criminalistics and Pre-Medical Aid Department, Doctor of Laws, police mayor; Serhii Babin, associate professor of Criminal Law and Criminology Department, Candidate of Law Sciences; and Oleksandra Kovalevska, senior lecturer of Ukrainian Studies and Foreign Languages Department, were awarded with the Certificates from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Students and cadets of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs were awarded with Diplomas of Winners and Certificates of Participation at the Contest among scientific works of students and cadets of the first (Bachelor) cycle of MIA higher education institutions.

In total, 97 scientific works had been sent by MIA educational institutions for the Contest. Under the evaluation results DSUIA applicants for higher education received high scores and occupied prize places in the general rating.

Kateryna Pavlichenko, deputy minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, greeted the participants.

“Science is a locomotive of the progress. The role of scientists is highly important for the Ministry of Internal Affairs today. New scientific search, achievements, research and conclusions contribute to our fight for freedom and prosperity of Ukraine. Today you hold departmental science and achievements. Development of the state and law, history, sociology, psychology, cyber-security and other directions depend on you, dear scientists. You are the first to respond to all possible issues as an example of the efficient operation of the state in martial law”, deputy minister stated.

Inna Yashchuk, temporary acting director of the MIA Department of Education, Science and Sport expressed her gratitude to the rectors and heads of structural subdivisions, who support science at the universities.

“This festive event is our duty to form new elite of our country. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Denys Monastyrskyi, the Minister, are doing everything possible to strengthen MIA system universities. They create conditions as well as provide ways and means to develop scientific community of our universities”, she said.

Yana Lazareva, applicant for higher education of the Educational-and-Scientific Institute of Part-Time Education and Advance Training (scientific work “Using OSINT Technologies in Combatting Criminal Violations: National and International Experience”; mentor – Andrii Kyseliov, associate professor of Operative-and-Search Activity Department, candidate of law sciences) obtained I degree diploma in the “Operative-and-Search Activity and Special Equipment” nomination.

Yelyzaveta Vilkhova, applicant for higher education of the Faculty of Training Specialists for Preventive Activity Units (scientific work “Personal Safety of Police Officers during COVID-19”; mentor – Oksana Myslyva, associate professor of Tactical-and-Special Training Department, candidate of law sciences) obtained I degree diploma in the “Tactical, Special and Fight Training” nomination.

Anastasiia Chechel, applicant for higher education of the Educational-and-Scientific Institute of Law and Training Specialists for the National Police Units (scientific work “Peculiarities of Interviewing Children Victims or Witnesses of Domestic Violence: National and International Experience”; mentor – Olena Soldatenko, associate professor of Criminal Process Department, candidate of law sciences) obtained II degree diploma in the “Criminal Process, Criminalistics and Forensic Examination” nomination.

Oleksandr Krysa, applicant for higher education of the Educational-and-Scientific Institute of Law and Training Specialists for the National Police Units (scientific work “Shadow Economy of Today: Nature, Reasons and Consequences”; mentor – Yurii Parshyn, professor of Financial and Strategic Investigations Department, Doctor of economic sciences) obtained II degree diploma in the “Economic Sciences” nomination.

Sofiia Bidniak, applicant for higher education of the Educational-and-Scientific Institute of Law and Innovative Education (scientific work “Theoretic-and-Legal Characteristics of Human Rights and Freedoms Protection and National Security under COVID-19”; mentor – Larysa Nalyvaiko, DSUIA vice-rector, Doctor of Laws, professor, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine) obtained III degree diploma in the “Defense and Security State Sciences” nomination.

Anastasiia Mukhai, applicant for higher education of the Educational-and-Scientific Institute of Law and Innovative Education (scientific work “Positive Discrimination and Positive Actions of the State in Protecting Rights and Freedoms of a Human and Citizen: Constitutional and Legal Characteristics”; mentor – Larysa Nalyvaiko, DSUIA vice-rector, Doctor of Laws, professor, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine) obtained III degree diploma in the “Constitutional and International Law” nomination.

We sincerely congratulate the contest participants and mentors with awards!


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