Department of Criminal Process and Strategic Investigations of the Educational-and-Scientific Institute of Law and Training Specialists for the National Police Units constantly holds practical classes with the police quest elements for the 4th year cadets in “Pre-Trial Investigation” and “Strategic Investigations” under “Filing Procedural Documents at the Pre-Trial Investigation Stage” and “Methods of Detection, Cessation and Investigation of Financial and Economic Crime, Committed by Organized Groups and Criminal Organizations” disciplines.
In terms of such game cadets obtained practical skills in detection and investigation of misdemeanors committed in martial law, in particular under criminal proceedings in case of creation and management of a criminal organization in terms of firearms, ammunition and explosives dealing.
In terms of the developed fable cadets performed checking information as regards the engagement of an official in firearms, ammunition and explosives dealing with the assistance of a person with increased criminal influence. Thus, cadets applied the obtained information and conducted search in an office of the state enterprise.
Under the results of the search and based on the additional information the check of engagement in a stated criminal violation by the imprisoned criminal lord was implemented. According to the fable it was the place where the suspect was managing a criminal organization from.
The quest paid separate attention to collaboration of law enforcement bodies of different subordination during detection and investigation of the stated misdemeanor. In particular, organization of interaction between investigative and operational units of the National Police and operational units of penal institutions of the State Criminal Penalty Service of Ukraine at performing investigative (search) actions, i.e. search in the penal colony premises was worked out.
Qualitative and gradual performance of practical tasks in filing procedural documents in terms of the quest stipulated obtaining practical skills of performing search means using informational-and-communication technologies to detect a cache placement and apprehend criminals in action with their further questioning.
Applicants for higher education and scientific-pedagogical staff note the emotional and practical direction of such classes. This can be achieved due to qualified teachers, using actual fables, educational polygons and locations. This allows consolidate and improve theoretical knowledge, obtain practical skills and competences as well as strengthening motivation for further professional activity.
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