The New Year’s express “arrives” at DSUIA!


150 children, an author’s script, an interactive performance, and an exciting quest – this is how Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs congratulated children on St. Nicholas Day this year.

The creators of the fairy tale called “New Year’s Express” are the studio of the creative movement “eSTeD” under the leadership of production directors: specialists of the department of educational, social-humanitarian and cultural-mass work of the department of personnel support of DSUIA, Iryna Hryhorovych, and Olha Kuzina.

The cadets and students of the institution brought the idea to life and implemented the creative production directly.

“Every year we offer young viewers fresh ideas, scenarios, and formats. This time the play was created interactive, moving, and very energetic. In the hall of the university, the children were met by our heroes, who invited them to “get to the hall by a special New Year’s train”, – says Iryna Hryhorovych.

The New Year’s event consisted of several scenes, between which the audience traveled, as if on a New Year’s express. Various fairy-tale characters appeared on the stage.

The culmination of the fairy tale was the meeting of two Santa Clauses – a grandfather and a young man.

“Our goal was to take the children away from the harsh reality and, at least for a while, transfer them to an atmosphere of warmth, joy, and celebration. The New Year’s Express also has a certain symbolism for older viewers, because the train is the flow of life, the change of stations, and life stages. The most anticipated “station” for all of us is, without a doubt, Victory. We also tried to focus on this,” the production directors adds.

Pupils of the Communal Institution of Education “Educational Rehabilitation Center No. 12” of the Dnipro Regional Council, as well as children of university employees, watched the fairy tale.

After the end of the main performance, the children were invited to “take a New Year’s express” to the next location, where an exciting quest, a meeting with Santa Claus, and New Year’s sweets awaited them.


Department of Public Relation