A cadet of the DSUIA saved the life of a person with a disability


The accident occurred in one of the supermarkets in the village of Broshniv-Osada in Ivano-Frankivsk region. There, the visitor had an epileptic seizure. He lost consciousness and needed immediate help.

A cadet from the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs was nearby. Roman Nesplyak is currently undergoing training in the Ivano-Frankivsk region at the Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police of Ukraine.

The young man was not confused and provided the man with qualified first-aid. At this time, the store employees called an ambulance.

“I saw one of the store’s visitors fall to the floor. Realizing it was an epileptic seizure, I began acting as we were taught in pre-med classes. First, I put my hands under the man’s head so that he would not be injured during the seizure. Then I assessed the presence of breathing, turned the unconscious person to the side position, and was there until the arrival of the medics,” said Roman.

A few minutes later, police officers and medics arrived at the scene. As it turned out later, the man who was hospitalized had heart problems and a group II disability.

Emergency workers highly appreciated the actions of the sophomore and noted his competence in providing pre-medical care.


Department of Public Relations