In Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, the mini-football tournament has concluded


The winning team and the most productive players have been determined.

In the first match, the team from the Institute of Law and Innovative Education and the Institute of Distance Learning and Continuing Education won the “bronze” against the Zaporizhzhia Police Academy with a score of 8:1.

In the second match, the teams from the Faculty of Training for Criminal Police Units and the Faculty of Training for Preventive Action Units competed. With a score of 6:2, the athletes from the Faculty of Training for Criminal Police Units won the “gold”.

The best striker was determined to be the dean of the Faculty of Training for Criminal Police Units, Serhiy Balaban. He was awarded a football signed by the Ukrainian national team and a certificate. The best goalkeeper of the same team, Oleksandr Zakharchenko, was awarded a certificate.

The tournament finalists received a pennant from the Football Federation of Ukraine, and all the winners were awarded certificates.

Public Relations Department of DSUIA