The event will take place in a hybrid format on May 30, 2024, at 2:00 PM at Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.
The seminar aims to discuss current issues in forensic science and judicial expertise, criminal procedure, and to summarize scientific and practical experience in addressing them in the context of combating crime in modern conditions.
Participants are invited to include scholars, forensic experts, law enforcement practitioners, representatives of state authorities, civil society organizations, doctoral students, adjuncts (postgraduates), and higher education students.
Thematic directions of the conference:
Theoretical and applied foundations of using specialized knowledge in pre-trial investigation;
Innovations in forensic techniques;
Organizational and tactical support for the interaction of pre-trial investigation authorities with operational and expert units, and others.
To participate in the conference and submit abstracts/presentations, please send applications via email to:
Contact persons:
Tel. 067-633-83-27 – Igor PIRIG
Tel. 050-995-94-93 – Hanna BIDNIYAK
For more information, please refer to the informational letter.
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