Miles for a Dream: Category B Driver’s License Obtained by a Listener from Donetsk Region


Maxim covered kilometers of roads every week to gain practical skills and learn driving on a car with manual controls at the Driving School for People with Disabilities based at DSUIA.

Maxim, from the front-line city in Donetsk Oblast, is currently a student specializing in computer engineering at one of Dnipro’s higher education institutions. Problems with his musculoskeletal system began in 2019, leading him to realize that driving should be done in an adapted vehicle.

He learned about the Driving School for People with Disabilities based at DSUIA when he saw an offer tailored to him – training on cars with manual controls. After completing the paperwork, he diligently studied the theory, passed the exam, then learned the routes of Dnipro with an experienced instructor and was ready for the practical test.

Today, Maxim has joined the graduates of the Driving School for People with Disabilities and proudly says that theory was a bit harder than practice, but he managed, and now his dream is one step closer: the car is already available, making city mobility more convenient and his lifestyle more independent.

We invite people with disabilities to obtain licenses for driving vehicles in categories “B” and “C1”.

You can apply for training in person, online via email, or by phone.

Contact details of the driving school:

Tel. +38 (067) 636-97-40

Dnipro, Ave. Nauky (Gagarina), 26.


Public Relations Department of DSUIA