Cadets of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs participated in fulfilling orders for the frontline at the charitable organization “PavuChary from Dnipro.”
The war in Ukraine has compelled many people to seek ways to assist their defenders. The cadets chose one of the simplest yet most effective ways – weaving camouflage nets for the frontline. Such products help conceal equipment and positions, maneuver, and regroup almost unnoticed by the enemy.
Having mastered the weaving technique, the cadets gradually expanded their skill set: now, under the guidance of volunteers, they practice sewing pillows and mattresses. Requests for these items come from both the frontline and military hospitals, where Ukrainian defenders are currently undergoing rehabilitation.
The cadets are convinced that each handmade item is their valuable contribution to the common victory. All nets, mattresses, and pillows will be delivered as quickly as possible to the soldiers on the hotspots of the front line.
The event took place within the framework of the “Friendly Support” project of the Department of Education, Science, and Sports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
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