The event will take place on June 26, 2024, at 14:00 at Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. The organizer is the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Faculty of Training for Units of Preventive Activities.
The seminar aims to discuss current issues of modern constitutionalism, the functioning of the Basic Law of Ukraine, and the implementation of its provisions in conditions of martial law.
Representatives of national human rights organizations, higher education institutions, research institutions, public authorities, civil society organizations, as well as doctoral students, postgraduates, and other higher education seekers, are invited to participate.
Priority discussion topics include:
– Current problems of constitutionalism arising from the introduction of a legal regime of martial law in Ukraine;
– The Constitution of Ukraine as a legal guarantee of state sovereignty and territorial integrity;
– Issues related to the implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms of individuals under the legal regime of martial law, and more.
Materials for participation should be sent to the email address: with the subject “Regional Scientific and Practical Seminar 26.06.2024”.
For more information, please refer to the informational letter.
Contact persons:
0972976256 – Valentyna Bonyak;
0688560080 – Ihor Serdiuk.
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