National Lesson “Safe Road Home” Held at DSUIA


A national lesson titled “Safe Road Home” took place at the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. The event was conducted as part of the first stage of the annual Road Safety Week.

The lesson was held for second-year students of the Faculty of Training Specialists for Preventive Activities, group PA-232. It was led by lecturers from the Department of Administrative Law, Process, and Administrative Activities of the same faculty, Maksym SHEVIAKOV and Khrystyna DEREV’IANKO.

Khrystyna DEREV’IANKO emphasized that despite the legal regime of martial law, violations of traffic rules and the creation of hazardous situations on the road network remain pressing issues requiring appropriate responses from the National Police units.

Maksym SHEVIAKOV familiarized the cadets with the gestures of a traffic controller, which are mandatory for both drivers and pedestrians to follow.

During the lesson, practical skills for handling emergency situations on the road were practiced. Measures to minimize road traffic injuries, especially during traffic light outages and in low visibility conditions, were also organized.


Public Relations Department of DSUIA