The event was held at the National Academy of Internal Affairs. The training was attended by guarantors of educational programs and heads of quality assurance departments of higher education institutions with specific learning conditions.
Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs was represented by Liliya Bobrishova, Head of the Quality Assurance Department, and the guarantors of the university’s educational and professional programs: Volodymyr Shablysty, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law and Innovative Education; Volodymyr Kiyan, Head of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines; Dmytro Sanakoyev, Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Strategic Investigations; and Andriy Sobakar, Head of the Department of Administrative Law, Procedure, and Administrative Activities.
During the event, issues of legal regulation of educational program accreditation, ensuring the quality of educational activities, and the quality of higher education were discussed.
The accreditation procedure was reviewed, from the creation of self-assessment information about the educational program to the decision of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance. Participants also engaged in discussions regarding the self-assessment information of the educational program.
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