An elective course was held at Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs (DSUIA) for students of the Department of Primary Professional Training, Specialization, and Advanced Training, featuring representatives from the patrol police.
Police officer safety during vehicle stops is one of the key points emphasized during the training of cadets and the advanced training of active law enforcement officers at DSUIA. To deepen the knowledge of students of the Department of Primary Professional Training, Specialization, and Advanced Training, an elective course on police actions during vehicle stops was conducted. The course was led by T.O.R. inspectors Yevhen KOZUNENKO and Oleh PASENCHUK.
During the session, they reviewed the main actions police officers should take in the most common situations during vehicle stops involving offenders in automobiles. They covered the legal grounds for these actions, safety measures when dealing with offenders in vehicles, and other relevant topics. Special attention was paid to the safety of law enforcement officers and citizens.
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