Creating a Safe Educational Environment: Binary Class at DSUIA


The class was conducted for students specializing in educational security services at the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.

Events on the topic “The Role of the Police Units ‘Educational Security Service’ in Creating a Safe Educational Environment” were held with the participation of Captain Ivanna Boyakivska, Head of the Educational Security Service Department of the Patrol Police of Ukraine, and Captain Denys Shulha, Head of the Educational Security Service Sector of the Patrol Police in the Dnipropetrovsk Region.

During the class, current issues related to police activities in schools, creating proper and safe learning conditions for children, and interacting with school administrations and territorial communities according to the Community Policing concept were discussed.

The guests also participated in a working meeting with Larisa Nalyvaiko, the Rector’s Assistant for Gender Issues at DSUIA. The meeting covered topics of further cooperation between the university and the Educational Security Service of the National Police of Ukraine, conducting joint projects and research, educational events, and practical training sessions.


Public Relations Department of DSUIA