Introductory Course: Adaptation Activities for Lyceum Students

MIA Lyceum

In the Dnipro Lyceum of Security Orientation and National-Patriotic Education, adaptation activities for students are ongoing under the program “Games, Movement, Sports.”

Lyceum students engaged with a “parachute” and performed ball exercises. The parachute, a colorful fabric made of different sections, was used to teach students how to feel each other’s movements, communicate, and perform joint actions. Through parachute games, students learned coordination, movement synchronization, and teamwork. The tactile parachute offers many opportunities for rule-based games and boundary-setting games.

During ball exercises, students practiced interacting in the “here and now” mode, where the ball had to be quickly passed to a game partner. The lyceum students practiced memorizing each other and communicating. According to specialists, the adaptation exercises aim to socialize and unite students, develop communication skills, teamwork, and more.


Public Relations Department of DSUIA