Indomitable Sports: Martial Arts Training for Military Veterans at DSUIA

NEWS, Sport for military veterans

The event was organized by the Department of Special Physical Training of the Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs (DSUIA).

Rehabilitation sports sessions for military veterans, including boxing, continue to take place at DSUIA. Under the guidance of instructors from the Department of Special Physical Training, veterans enhance their strength and endurance, improve agility, and boost the function of their cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Many veterans previously practiced Eastern martial arts, so these sessions serve as a way to restore and further develop their athletic skills.

Boxing training sessions for military veterans are held at DSUIA every Thursday at 3:00 p.m. at 26 Nauky Avenue.

The event is part of the “Friendly Support” project, implemented by the Department of Education, Science, and Sports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. #FriendlySupport


Public Relations Department of DSUIA