“Current Issues of Operative and Search Activities During Martial Law”: Quiz for DSUIA Cadets


The event was organized by the Department of Operative and Search Activities at the Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs (DSUIA).

Cadets from the Faculty of Training Specialists for Criminal Police Units of the National Police of Ukraine, the Faculty of Training Specialists for Pre-Trial Investigation Units of the National Police of Ukraine, and the Educational and Scientific Institute for Training Specialists of Preventive Activities Units of the National Police of Ukraine participated in the quiz.

The first stage consisted of theoretical questions: team captains took turns asking their opponents five questions each.

In the second stage, participants tested their knowledge of the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Operative and Search Activities” and the “Instruction on the Organization of Interaction Between Pre-Trial Investigation Bodies and Other Bodies and Units of the National Police of Ukraine in Preventing, Detecting, and Investigating Criminal Offenses,” among other topics.

The third stage was the captain’s contest: team leaders were asked five questions simultaneously, which they answered in turn.

As a result of the quiz, the first place was taken by the team from the Faculty of Training Specialists for Criminal Police Units of the National Police of Ukraine. The second place went to the team from the Educational and Scientific Institute for Training Specialists of Preventive Activities Units of the National Police of Ukraine, while the honorable third place was awarded to the team from the Faculty of Training Specialists for Pre-Trial Investigation Units of the National Police of Ukraine.


Department of Communications