“Gender Issues Under Martial Law”: DSUIA Scientific Circle Meeting


A meeting of the scientific circle was organized by the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional Law, and Human Rights at the Educational and Scientific Institute for Training Specialists for Preventive Units of the National Police of Ukraine at the Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs (DSUIA).

The event was attended by first-year students of the Faculty of Training Specialists for Pre-Trial Investigation Units of the National Police of Ukraine, as well as faculty members of the department.

During the meeting, participants discussed pressing issues related to legal guarantees of gender equality in labor relations in Ukraine under martial law. International legal documents addressing approaches to ensuring equal gender rights were also reviewed.

The circle members concluded that the creation of an effective organizational mechanism for the implementation of gender policies, ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, is a key condition for the functioning of a democratic state, the development of a conscious civil society, and the prospects of European integration.


Department of Communications