The Power of Volunteering: Support from the Police Academy


Trainees of the Primary Professional Training Center “Police Academy” at Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs participated in volunteer efforts to produce camouflage nets for the military.

Volunteerism plays a significant role in the lives of DSUIA cadets and students. They actively contribute to various initiatives, such as sewing pillows for defenders, making trench candles, preparing humanitarian aid, and donating blood and plasma for military needs.

This time, the Police Academy trainees worked at the “Sokil” volunteer center, weaving white camouflage nets. These nets are particularly critical ahead of the snowy season, as they effectively conceal infantry, artillery, and equipment positions from enemy drones, enhancing the safety of Ukrainian soldiers.

By engaging in volunteer activities, DSUIA trainees join the collective effort to bring Ukraine closer to victory.


Department of Communications