Meeting of the Academic Council of DSUIA


A meeting of the Academic Council was held at Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs under the chairmanship of Rector, Police Colonel Oleksandr MORHUNOV. The event was attended by the Head of the National Police Headquarters in the Dnipropetrovsk Region, Police Colonel Oleksandr HANZHA.

Doctoral diplomas in Law, specializing in “Criminal Procedure and Criminology; Forensic Science; Operational Investigative Activities,” were awarded to Police Colonel Viktor DIDENKO and Nataliia LYSENKO.

Recognition in the 2024 All-Ukrainian Legal Publication Competition

In the “Scientific Publications” (Monographs) category:

First Degree Diploma: Awarded to Kristina REZVOROVYCH, Head of the Department of Civil-Law Disciplines, for her monograph “Protection of Human Social Rights in Administrative Justice: Theoretical, Normative, and Praxeological Aspects.”

Second Degree Diploma: Awarded to Andrii SOBAKAR, Head of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure, Police Lieutenant Colonel, for his monograph “Juvenile Policy as a Component of Supporting Ukraine’s National Security and Defense.”

Second Degree Diploma: Awarded to Iryna DROK, Head of the Research Laboratory for Preventive Activities and Sociological Studies, Police Major, for her scientific-practical recommendations “Measures to Combat Civilian Violations of the Curfew During Martial Law in Ukraine.”

In the “Educational Publications” category:

First Degree Diploma: Awarded to Vasyl BEREZNYAK, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Police Lieutenant Colonel, for the course of lectures “Juvenile Prevention: Course of Lectures.”

First Degree Diploma: Awarded to Karina PISOTSKA, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure, Police Senior Lieutenant, for the textbook “Administrative Activities of Juvenile Prevention Units of the National Police of Ukraine.”

First Degree Diploma: Awarded to Kristina REZVOROVYCH for the textbook “Financial Law.”

Second Degree Diploma: Awarded to Hanna BIDNYAK, Head of the Department of Criminalistics and Tactical Medicine, Police Major, for the methodological recommendations “Actions of National Police Officers During the Control of Critical Bleeding in Military Conditions.”

In the “Periodicals” category:

First Degree Diploma: Awarded to the Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs (Special Edition No. 1 (126) and No. 2 (127), 2023). The diplomas were received by Denys PROSHYN, Head of the Department of Scientific Activities Organization.

During the meeting, the Council reviewed various current university matters, including:

Conducting rector’s inspections during the first semester of the 2024/2025 academic year.

Adjustments to the educational schedule for the same period.

Approval of regulations on encouraging and recognizing cadets of the Dnipro Security and National-Patriotic Education Lyceum under the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Recommendations for the publication and use of educational and methodological materials in scientific and educational activities.


Department of Communications