Adaptive Sports for Military Veterans at DSUIA

NEWS, Sport for military veterans

Adaptive training sessions for military veterans continue at Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, organized by the Department of Special Physical Training.

The sessions are held in the university’s gym, where fitness programs are tailored individually for each participant, taking into account their physical capabilities and specific needs. The primary focus is on the safe execution of exercises: each session includes a mandatory warm-up followed by training on gym equipment and sports apparatus.

Sports training, as part of a comprehensive social rehabilitation program offered by DSUIA for military veterans, has been ongoing for nearly a year. Each week, veterans have the opportunity to participate in activities such as table tennis, mixed martial arts, and sitting volleyball.

All training sessions are conducted under the close supervision of experienced specialists—faculty members of the university’s Department of Special Physical Training.

For detailed information about the training sessions, schedules, and timetables, please call: +380978626457 (Victor).

These initiatives are part of the “Friendly Support” project by the Department of Education, Science, and Sports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.



Department of Communications