Creative Work by a DSUIA Cadet Published in “Borysfen” Magazine


The poetry of Andrii NECHYTAYLO, a cadet of the Faculty for Training Specialists for Pre-Trial Investigation Bodies of the National Police of Ukraine, has been featured in the scientific and popular monthly magazine Borysfen.

A review of the author’s work, along with his biography, was prepared for the publication by Anatolii POPOVSKYI, a professor at the Department of Language Training at DSUIA. In his poem, Andrii Nechytailo shares his hopes for the end of the war and a return to his native Luhansk region.

Borysfen is an independent Ukrainian literary, artistic, publicistic, and scientific-popular monthly magazine that covers scientific, cultural, social, and historical events. The magazine is published by the Dnipro City Public Organization “Society of Admirers of the Borysfen Journal.”

We congratulate the cadet on the recognition of his creative talents and wish him continued success!


Department of Communications