An online meeting with the Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language, Taras KREMEN, was held at the Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs (DSUIA).
The event brought together university students, faculty members, and students of the Dnipro Lyceum for Security and National-Patriotic Education named after Oleksandr HOSTISHCHEV.
During the meeting, participants discussed key provisions of the legislation ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language. Special attention was given to the legal regulation of language issues in Ukraine, the realization of the human right to use the language, mechanisms for protecting the right to the state language, and the role of youth in promoting and safeguarding Ukrainian. Taras KREMEN also elaborated on response algorithms for violations of language legislation.
According to the participants, such meetings help unite Ukrainians around their native language, contribute to its popularization, and ensure its protection. The Ukrainian language is an integral part of national identity and a crucial factor in shaping the worldview of the younger generation.
The event served as an effective platform for discussing the significance of the Ukrainian language as the state language and the role each individual plays in its preservation.
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